Iowa has long been a leader in developing Registered Apprenticeship (RA) Programs that help the next generation of workers start new careers. Iowa's approach has grown into a national model for successful RA program development. In recent years, the state has expanded its role by creating new programs in occupations that weren't previously possible and expanding the number of apprentices. 

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What is the Iowa Office of Apprenticeship?

Iowa is now entering a new chapter as it becomes a State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA). Establishing an SAA means Iowa now will have a direct office in state government that provides direct control and guidance on its RA programs. 

The Iowa Office of Apprenticeship (IOA) has been officially recognized as a State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), effective June 27, 2024. This development, and the enhanced flexibility that comes with it, will better position our state to create the workforce pipeline it needs for the future. The IOA will encourage new innovation and focus on expanding available programs to help apprentices start successful careers across Iowa.

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What Are the Roles of the IOA?

  • Overseeing and registering all Registered Apprenticeship (RA) programs in Iowa. Programs will still be governed by the same approved federal standards as before, but employers will now work directly with staff within the state's workforce agency.
  • Serving as the central point of contact for all RA program sponsors, school districts, and apprentices. IOA staff will provide more direct technical assistance and program guidance, including innovative approaches that help programs not only find apprentices, but succeed over the long term.
  • Ensuring that the mission of RA programs is directly aligned with the state’s workforce strategies. IOA's efforts will be directly tied to the overall efforts to help attract and retain talent that meet the needs of Iowa's critical industries. 
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What's Next?

The Iowa Office of Apprenticeship will be connecting with RA program sponsors across the state to provide communications that support the state’s transition and document ways that the new office will support them. 

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Contact and Staff Information

Visit this link to view more information on IOA staff and to connect with the office today.

Photo of Governor Reynolds, Director Beth Townsend, Apprentices and Staff from the Quad Cities.
Read the Press Release

Iowa Officially Recognized as State Apprenticeship Agency

Learn more about how the Iowa Office of Apprenticeship will oversee apprenticeship programs, support new expansion, and drive new innovation across state. 

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