Employer Help with Unemployment Insurance
IWD has a number of programs to help employers manage unemployment insurance (UI), saving time and effort for their business.
My Iowa Unemployment Insurance (myIowaUI) System
My Iowa Unemployment Insurance system (myIowaUI) is the central resource for employers to access and receive UI help.

UI Quick Links
Employers can use the following links to get support for their unemployment insurance needs.
Access myIowaUI System
Employers' 24/7 access to their unemployment insurance accounts and information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Employers can get answers to frequently asked questions about the myIowaUI System.
SIDES (State Information Data Exchange System)
Learn about a proven paperless online system (SIDES) that helps employers manage UI Claims.
Employer Handbook
Access IWD's handbook for employers that provides guidance and rules on unemployment insurance taxes.
Employer Audits and Misclassification of Workers
Information on misclassification, its typical cases, and how to report it.
UI Tax Tables
Information on employment tax rates and tables for unemployment insurance.
Reporting New Hires and Rehired Employees
Federal and state law requires employers to report newly hired and rehired employees to a central registry.
Unemployment Insurance Law & Administrative Rules
Access key links for relevant UI laws and rules in Iowa.
UI Tax Collections and Offsets
Information on how IWD collects unpaid UI taxes and enforces the tax law on debt that is owed.
Benefit Charge Information
Information on UI benefit changes and how an employer’s account is changed.
Protest Claim
Details the process for employers who wish to protest a UI claim.
Report Notice of Separation or Refusal of Work
Link for employers when reporting a Notice of Separation or Refusal of Work.
Reporting Fraud
Information on how to report fraud to ensure that unemployment insurance (UI) benefits are being paid out correctly.
Foreign Labor Certification
Information on Foreign Labor Certification for employers.
UI Appeals
Information on the process for filing an appeal against an unemployment insurance (UI) claim.

Employer Forms for Unemployment Insurance
Get access to important unemployment insurance forms for employers.
Unemployment Insurance Tax Tables
Unemployment insurance taxes for employers in 2025 will again be in Table 8, the lowest allowed by Iowa law.

Required Employer Posters
Find resources on the state and federal posters that employers are required to post in the workplace.
Unemployment Insurance Appeals
Employers can file an appeal to an unemployment insurance (UI) claim. Learn more about the process at this link.