


The Iowa Workforce Development's website is provided “As Is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.  Iowa Workforce Development assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or other documents which are referenced or linked to our resources. As with any resource with large amounts of information, there can be technical inaccuracies or typographical errors and broken links. Updates, functionality improvements and changes are made continually for resources provided to the public. The Virtual Assistant is not designed for audio, video or high bandwidth usage.

In no event shall Iowa Workforce Development be liable for any damages resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortuous action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of information available from its computer resources.


Our applications are tested for functionality. We strive to continually improve our sites and are working to make them accessible to persons with disabilities.


Our applications contain links to other sites that are not under the control of Iowa Workforce Development.  Iowa Workforce Development is not responsible for the content of any linked site. Iowa Workforce Development is not responsible for any transmissions received from sites linked to us. The inclusion of links to other sites does not imply endorsement of Iowa Workforce Development to those sites. Links to other sites are provided as a resource to our visitors and Iowa Workforce Development reserves the right to make those determinations. References to any organization, corporation or other entities, including their products and services, are provided without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied. Iowa Workforce Development does not guarantee the accuracy of automated foreign language translation use on our sites


Iowa Workforce Development analyzes information about visitors to our sites using server log files, cookies and scripts. This information is used for accountability measurements, and to help us improve the quality of our sites and the technological infrastructure needed to support them. Government agencies may request personally identifiable information from you in order to provide requested services, but such information is handled as it would be on an in-person visit to a government office.  Iowa Workforce Development is not responsible for the interception or use by third parties of information sent electronically. Iowa Workforce Development is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of personally identifiable information in its possession pursuant to the requirements of Section 96.11(6) Iowa Code, Chapter 22 and Federal Law. Iowa Workforce Development is not responsible for the use and actions of third parties who have obtained public records and information from Iowa Workforce Development.


Information obtained by Iowa Workforce Development from any individual or employer is generally confidential and is not published or open for public inspection. Some information retained by Iowa Workforce Development is open to public inspection.

Iowa Workforce Development will release information provided by individuals or employers to an individual upon request, if the information concerns the individual.  Information will also be provided to various federal and state agencies upon request if Iowa Workforce Development is required to provide it by law, rule or regulation.  Iowa Workforce Development will send information to a third party at the request of the individual concerning that individual. We will send you e-mail inquiry to another government agency if that agency is the appropriate one to provide assistance to you.

Personally identifiable information collected by Iowa Workforce Development is subject to these principles and policies:

  • The information collected should only be that necessary to provide the information or services sought by a requester, just as a person might provide such information when visiting a governmental office in person. The information collected is subject to the same controls and uses as when collected by governmental offices visited in person, again subject to the access and confidentiality provisions of the Iowa Code, Iowa Administrative Rules and Federal law. Visitors do not generally have to provide personal information to visit Iowa Workforce Development websites or download information made available to the general public.
  • Various commercials, education, government and non-profit websites may be linked through Iowa Workforce Development. These sites may not be subject to the same laws, policies and principles as Iowa Workforce Development. Visitors to those sites may wish to check their privacy statements and be cautious about providing personally identifiable information.
  • Iowa Workforce Development believes personal information obtained from customers on its sites should be protected to the maximum extent possible, and our customers should be aware of the use of the information collected. This statement summarizes this information. If you have questions regarding the information, please contact Iowa Workforce Development by telephone: 866-239-0843.


In order to maximize the security of the information presented, customers should:

  • Take necessary care to protect the confidentiality of any identification number or password that is used, and
  • If using a public access computer (such as in a library), take steps to “log off” the browser when exiting the application.
  • Not send confidential, personal information such as Social Security numbers via e-mail or by other unencrypted means.


Confidential data will be encrypted through the use of digital certificates. Communication between your browser and our servers that involve any personal or confidential data use encrypted and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.  Confidential information should only be submitted when specifically required.


Information obtained from the customer will include data necessary to authenticate the customer’s identification and/or data provided by the customer to complete the necessary online activity. In addition, a limited amount of data will be collected to improve marketing and to assist in technical support of the site. This may include the Internet Protocol (IP) number and domain name from where the customer is accessing, the date and time of the transaction and the site referring the customer to the department’s site.


Iowa Workforce Development does use cookies for statistical analysis, and to move data from page to page where necessary in some of our online applications. This is sometimes done in a secure environment and “cookies” or “session values” are often destroyed when the user exits the application. If an authenticated customer does not use the browser for a prolonged amount of time, such session values may be destroyed to protect the customer’s privacy.


The use of state-provided government service must be for agency-related activities and not for for-profit activities, commercial advertising, entertainment, illegal or illicit uses.  The use of internet services and resources are for departmentally related purposes and its mission to serve the citizens of Iowa.

Government computer and Internet resources may be monitored, and actual web site connections may be recorded.  Be aware that there is no reasonable expectation of privacy while using government resources.  The agency also has the right, but not the duty, to monitor any aspect of its computer systems.