Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services is committed to helping you.

We want to help you reach your diversity and inclusion business goals. We do this by using a dual-customer approach, treating both job candidates and potential employers as our customers. 

This approach provides the following benefits to you and your business:

  • Access to a pool of qualified applicants and the support services provided by the public VR system and our partners,
  • Access to local, statewide, and national employment opportunities and career development resources, and
  • Sharing statewide and national employment resources, best practices, and business connections.

Business Engagement Partnership

Vocational Rehabilitation Services is now a division of Iowa Workforce Development (IWD), and we work closely with IWD's Business Engagement Division to learn the needs of various employers and ensure full support for the successful outcomes of workers with disabilities. Services in coordination with business engagement include ADA consultation, accommodations support, disability awareness and sensitivity training, job analysis, training on tax incentives, retention services and more. 

Read the Business Engagement Division for more information about Business Engagement services.

Contact Business Services

Connect with us today about your business needs using the information below! We're ready to work with you to help solve your business challenges and support successful employment for Iowans with disabilities.

Michelle and her staff of Business Engagement Consultants for Disability Services are here to help your business become a welcoming and successful environment for workers with disabilities. Not only can her team work with your business to help with the retention of those hires, but they can also provide training and planning that is customized to meet your direct needs.

This support includes consultation with program and physical accessibility in your workplace, and a comprehensive review of essential functions and job descriptions. Employers can connect with Michelle and find their disability employment subject matter experts.

Tyler works with VR counselors and job candidates to ensure that employment goals are aligned before referring candidates to a business, and also assists employers with training, education, and VR services to support successful employment.

Tyler also works closely with the Business Engagement Division of Iowa Workforce Development of IWD and the VR staff to create the dual customer approach. 


We want to be your partner in employment success!

Employer Tax Incentives
