Prescreened Qualified ApplicantsNo cost - time to help us understandWe know our job candidates and when we learn the job we can help provide a great matchVR can reduce the time it takes businesses to locate workers by giving the business access to a pool of prescreened candidates.
Employee Retention/ On-Going SupportNo CostNot only do you hire our candidate, but you get our professional staff to assist you with problem solving and support.You can utilize our professional staff for as long as you have the employee on payroll- it’s like having a private coach to help you!
Job CoachingNo cost to businessTraining and staff support from the Job Coach will dovetail with the style of the company. The job coach will ensure this continues until the new employee is completely up to speed.Job Coaches will be at the business to provide ongoing supports and job retention services.
Company ToursNo costThis is a great way to market your business and educate the rehabilitation professionals on why YOUR COMPANY is the best place to work.Even the most lucid description of how work flows are managed around a workplace is no substitute for seeing things happen in practice.
Informational InterviewsNo costVR will introduce you to a potential workforce interested in learning about your company and give you the opportunity to recruit them.Many of our informational interviews lead to employment offers.
Job fairsNo cost to participateWe are able to introduce you to our job candidates.Job fairs are a great way to meet large quantities of potential employees and network among other business professionals.
High School Transition FairsNo costOur staff will connect you with high school students- your future workforce- where you can begin networking and letting students know about your opportunities. VR has a qualified professionals in every high school across Iowa
Risk Free Trial (On-The-Job Evaluation)No cost to you- time limitedTry a job candidate to see if they are learning the job and a good fit for no cost before you hire.VR has over 12,000 job candidates that we provide services to in Iowa.
On-The-Job Training50% of the wage and workers compensationReimbursement of wages may be available by hiring one of our job candidates.  This allows you to train the person with VR paying Β½ the cost.We have references if you would like to speak with one of our business partners about their experience.
Short-Term Job ShadowsNo costVR will connect you to a future workforce allowing you an opportunity to showcase your business, letting potential employees get a better understanding of your business before application.Informing job candidates of the job and culture will increase interest for the right employees and eliminate those not interested from applying.  This will save your HR team time and energy sifting through applications.
Save a JobNo costOne of your employees was injured and can no longer perform the essential functions, but you don’t want to let them go?  VR may help you find ways to save the job by doing an assessment and providing recommendationsEmployee turnover costs money; by partnering with VR we may have solutions to keep valuable employees working for you.
Reverse Job FairsNo cost to participateYou have an opportunity to meet with job candidates who have skill sets and desires in your specific field.  You have an opportunity to watch them showcase and highlight themselves giving you more perspective on their abilities. 28% of our job candidates that participated were hired in their career field after participating in this event.  Business expressed pleasure in the process.