Website EvaluationNo cost for evaluationVR will review your website for disability friendliness and ADA compliance.After making very few modifications, you open the door to many more job applicants.
Ergonomic trainingNo cost for trainingVR can provide training to improve overall wellbeing of employees.By having an ergonomically correct workspace you can reduce injury.
Registered ApprenticeshipsNo cost for referral or consultationVR can provide solutions finding quality applicants in a time of need.Apprenticeships are more than for just the trade sector.
Federal ContractingNo costBy partnering with VR and hiring our job candidates you are helping to meet your 7% compliance.  We can also post your jobs.VR has Mastered degree counselors that provide vocational counseling to our job candidates focusing on many job related issues including soft skills.
Disability Sensitivity TrainingNo cost for training to your staffVR will provide education to you and your employees.1 out of 4 persons has a disability.  Our training helps decrease natural fears and makes for a more pleasant environment where all people feel welcome.
Benefits of Diversity in the workplaceNo cost to your staff for this trainingVR will educate you on the overall benefits of hiring persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities control a discretionary income of nearly 2 billion dollars (twice the teen market)
Connecting with other resourcesNoneVR works closely with state and federal partners to connect you with resources and services.VR has a staff connected to every Iowa Works location.
Training on specific disabilitiesNo cost for trainingVR will help you understand specific disabilities, our job candidates and how they learn best.VR can help create a diverse workplace and everyone appreciates diversity.