When Iowans file for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits with Iowa Workforce Development, their application also kicks off the reemployment process. IWD is here to help you receive benefits, while also preparing you to successfully reenter the workforce in a new career.
To receive UI benefits (when you are no longer attached to an employer), you must certify that you are ready and able to accept a new job. This is called Registering for Work. Most Iowans receiving benefits also are required to take additional steps which are in place to help you reenter the workforce.
To maintain eligibility for unemployment benefits, Iowans must:
Register for Work
Register an account and create a resume in IowaWORKS
Complete Weekly Reemployment Activities
Complete at least four valid reemployment activities per week (three of which must be job applications) and certify these activities in IowaWORKS
Participate in Reemployment Programs (if deemed eligible)
Reemployment programs provide one-on-one assistance to support your career search.
Important: In addition to the reemployment steps above, you must also continue to file a UI claim each week that you wish to continue receiving benefits.
The following page provides an overview of the reemployment process along with resources to help you in your path.
All Iowans filing for unemployment (and who are no longer attached to an employer) must register for work. Click or tap on the sections below to learn about how and where to register for work.
IowaWORKS.gov is a powerful online job and career services system which offers a host of employment tools, including job listings, resume assistance, a virtual recruiter, and much more. IowaWORKS also is where you must register for work in order to maintain eligibility for unemployment benefits.
Go to “Create a User Account,” under Option 3, select “Individual,” and follow the prompts. Once you have created an account, answer all mandatory questions (indicated with a red asterisk *).
Using your Social Security Number (SSN) to register in IowaWORKS is highly recommended to avoid any delays in payment.
Create an active resume.
Make sure your account includes a searchable resume and a valid Social Security Number (SSN).
Your work registration will not be considered valid if your IowaWORKS account does not include both a searchable resume and a valid SNN.
Registering with Your Social Security Number (SSN)
It is important to register using your Social Security Number (SSN). If you do not use your SSN, the system may not be able to find your information based on your name and other identifying information.
If that happens, we may be unable to verify that you have registered for work, and benefits may be withheld until this requirement has been verified.
Partial Accounts
If a partial user account was already created for you in the IowaWORKS system based on your initial application for UI benefits, you will see a red message indicating that in the system. In these cases, a link will be provided to retrieve your existing credentials (User Name, Password, or both) and complete your registration.
Get Help with Registering for Work
If you're not sure where to begin or having trouble on IowaWORKS.gov, we're ready to help you. Contact your local IowaWORKS office (in person, email or via phone) to get support on registering for work.
Weekly Reemployment Activities are required of most claimants, and are a key part of maintaining your eligibility while creating a pathway to reemployment. Click or tap on the sections below to learn about how to log your reemployment activities, the type of acceptable activities, and how to get assistance.
Most claimants are required to conduct weekly employment activities as part of continuing their eligibly for unemployment. This process is key to reentering the workforce and finding a new career path that aligns with your skills and interests.
To remain eligible for unemployment benefits, you must:
Complete at least four valid reemployment activities per week (using the list of qualifying activities).
At least three of your reemployment activities each week must be job applications.
In total, there are 11 qualifying reemployment activities that can be used to satisfy the requirement. The list of activities is listed in the step below, but it can also be referenced at this link.
Most Iowans filing for benefits will need to complete weekly reemployment activities. A very limited number claimants will be exempt from this requirement, which includes those claimants on temporary layoff (those who are on temporary layoff will not be contacted about additional requirements until they enter a fifth week of claiming benefits).
Iowa Code section 96.4(3)(b) references individuals on a short-term temporary layoff as being exempt from work search, and defines that term as being limited to an employee performing “work related to highway construction, repair or maintenance…” Workers not under this classification do not qualify for an exemption.
Completing your weekly reemployment activities is key for maintaining your eligibility for UI benefits.
Weekly reemployment activities can be recorded and certified on IowaWORKS.gov.
Claimants should certify their weekly work search activities first in the IowaWORKS system before filing their weekly claim.
Instructions for Completing Your Weekly Reemployment Activities
If you need additional assistance with entering your weekly activities in the log, contact your nearest IowaWORKS Center, or view the links in the help section below.
There are 11 valid reemployment activities that can be used to satisfy the weekly active search for work requirement.
Seven (7) activities are self-guided and can be completed by claimants on their own
Four (4) activities can only be completed with staff assistance. Several activities can be completed through the IowaWORKS website or through IowaWORKS Centers, while other activities can be completed outside of IowaWORKS.
Visit the link below for a full list of accepted activities, including both self-guided activities and staff-assisted activities.
Self-Guided Activities
(Activities can be completed by claimants on their own.)
Apply for a potential job opening by submitting a résumé or application through any of the following methods:
In Person
Take a civil service exam.
Select ‘Proficiency Testing’ when entering this activity.
Register with a placement facility of a school or college.
Select ‘Career Planning (CAP)’ when entering this activity. NOTE: An individual can only count this activity on only one weekly claim during their benefit year.
Interview for a job (virtually, in person or at a job fair).
Select ‘Workshop – Interviewing’ when entering this activity.
Attend any IowaWORKS workshop.
Select from this list of workshops when entering this activity:
Workshop - Résumé
Workshop - Job Search
Workshop - Financial Literacy
Workshop - Interviewing
Workshop - Employer Led
Workshop - Career Interest
Workshop - Digital Literacy
Workshop - Personal Growth
Workshop - Work Readiness
Workshop - Labor Market Information
Workshop - Unemployment Information
Workshop - Other
Workshop - Job Finding Club
Attend job fair sponsored by IowaWORKS or partners (keep flyer or advertisement)
Select ‘Workshop – Employer Led’ when entering this activity
Attend a scheduled career networking meeting with IowaWORKS office
Select ‘Workshop - Job Finding Club’ when entering this activity
Staff-Assisted Activities
(Activities must be completed with staff assistance)
Create a reemployment plan (RESEA or other programs)
Develop Service Strategies (IEP/ISS/EDP)
RESEA Initial Assessment
SubRESEA Assessment
RCM Appointment
Appointment with a Career Planner at a IowaWORKS office
Career Planning (CAP)
Veteran/HBI Career Planner (CAP)
Appointment with a core WIOA partner (Vocational Rehabilitation, Adult Basic Education, Wagner Peyser, Title I)
List items for Participation in Reemployment Programs
Iowans who file for unemployment will typically be required to participate in state and federal reemployment programs that provide proven ways to help Iowans re-enter the workforce as quickly as possible and gain the skillsets they need to be successful.
Reemployment programs are an additional tool often used during unemployment to provide enhanced services that support Iowans' path back into the workforce. This can involve one-on-one support career planners, resume and interview assistance, and connections to work training and skill programs.
Many claimants will be automatically be placed into reemployment programs when receiving benefits, such as the Reemployment Case Management (RCM) system or Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA). These programs exist to help claimants find work more quickly.
If selected to participate, you must complete the RESEA workshop and/or work with RCM case manager.
The Reemployment Case Management (RCM) launched in January 2022 by Iowa Workforce Development, and represents a heightened focus on getting unemployed Iowans back to work as quickly as possible.
Simply put, RCM provides enhanced services to unemployment claimants at the beginning of the claims process, and assists them in finding jobs more quickly by helping match their skills with the skills need by local companies with vacant jobs.
Like the weekly reemployment activities, RCM applies to most claimants filing for unemployment and begins during the first week of filing for UI benefits.
For more information about RCM, visit the frequently asked questions page.
Studies completed by the U.S. Department of Labor found that people who received reemployment services and participated in related programs returned to work earlier than people who did not receive the same services.
Several other reemployment programs exist to support Iowans, for example the Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) program. The RESEA programs looks at a variety of factors such as occupation, industry, education, length of employment, wages, etc. Participants are selected within the first five paid weeks of their claim.
List items for Get Help and Support: The Reemployment Process
Iowa Workforce Development is here to help Iowans enter the reemployment process - whether it's one-on-one support, helpful documentation, or job-ready resources. Click or tap on the sections below to learn about support options specific to your needs.
One-on-one support is available for any Iowan filing for unemployment, or during the reemployment process.
Support for Registering for Work and Weekly Reemployment Activities
If you need additional assistance registering in IowaWORKS or entering activities in the log, contact your nearest IowaWORKS Center (phone, email, or in-person support).