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The Reemployment Process

When Iowans file for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits with Iowa Workforce Development, their application also kicks off the reemployment process. IWD is here to help you receive benefits, while also preparing you to successfully reenter the workforce in a new career.

To receive UI benefits (when you are no longer attached to an employer), you must certify that you are ready and able to accept a new job. This is called Registering for Work. Most Iowans receiving benefits also are required to take additional steps which are in place to help you reenter the workforce. 

To maintain eligibility for unemployment benefits, Iowans must:

  1. Register for Work
    • Register an account and create a resume in IowaWORKS
  2. Complete Weekly Reemployment Activities
    • Complete at least four valid reemployment activities per week (three of which must be job applications) and certify these activities in IowaWORKS
  3. Participate in Reemployment Programs (if deemed eligible)
    • Reemployment programs provide one-on-one assistance to support your career search.

Important: In addition to the reemployment steps above, you must also continue to file a UI claim each week that you wish to continue receiving benefits. 

The following page provides an overview of the reemployment process along with resources to help you in your path.

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Register for Work

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All Iowans filing for unemployment (and who are no longer attached to an employer) must register for work. Click or tap on the sections below to learn about how and where to register for work.

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Weekly Reemployment Activities

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Weekly Reemployment Activities are required of most claimants, and are a key part of maintaining your eligibility while creating a pathway to reemployment. Click or tap on the sections below to learn about how to log your reemployment activities, the type of acceptable activities, and how to get assistance.

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Reemployment Services and Programs

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Iowans who file for unemployment will typically be required to participate in state and federal reemployment programs that provide proven ways to help Iowans re-enter the workforce as quickly as possible and gain the skillsets they need to be successful.

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Get Help and Support

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Iowa Workforce Development is here to help Iowans enter the reemployment process - whether it's one-on-one support, helpful documentation, or job-ready resources. Click or tap on the sections below to learn about support options specific to your needs.

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