Content Information
About the Claimant Handbook
This handbook explains your rights and responsibilities when filing an unemployment insurance (UI) benefits claim. It answers common questions and contains general information. This handbook doesn't have the force and effect of a law, rule, or regulation. Your failure to follow the instructions in this handbook may lead to:
- A delay in receiving benefits;
- The loss of benefits; or
- An improper payment of benefits that you must pay back.
If you knowingly break the rules, you could be denied benefits for committing fraud. Those who commit fraud face serious consequences, including civil and criminal penalties. Read more: Defining UI Fraud
It is your responsibility to read and understand the information in this handbook, and you agree to do so when you file your claim. The chapters of the handbook (web version) can be found at the links on the side and at the bottom of this page.
Other Versions of the Claimant Handbook
Manual Del Reclamante Del Seguro De Desempleo - Español (julio 2024)
Unemployment Insurance Claimant Handbook in Other Languages (July 2024)
Free interpretative services are available to answer your questions if you need help understanding the English language. If you don’t understand the information in this handbook, call us for help at 866-239-0843.