Important Resources on Unemployment
This page serves as a hub for resources around unemployment services for claimants.
Unemployment Help Request
Not sure where to get help? Fill out our request form to get your specific question answered.

How Do I File for Unemployment?
If you're filing for benefits for the first time, be sure to check out our starting guide.

Common Forms Used By Individuals (Unemployment)
Get access to common forms used by claimants and individuals around the unemployment process.
Important Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Common questions and answers on either applying for or receiving unemployment insurance.
Identity Verification
IWD must be able to verify your identity to be paid unemployment insurance benefits.
IowaWORKS Offices
IowaWORKS offices provide support to claimants and are the next step to finding reemployment.
Overpayments and Recovery
Information on overpayments and the process to follow if you receive a notice.
Pandemic Programs
Information on federally-sponsored programs that provided benefits to those impacted by the pandemic.
Protested Claim Information
Information on the process of a protested UI claim.
Reemployment Case Management (RCM)
Get answers on the new requirements for the RCM program, which applies to most new claimants.
Report Fraud and Identity Theft
Visit this link to report fraud and help ensure benefits are being paid properly.
Required Steps Toward Reemployment
Information on finding successful reemployment activities and their requirements while receiving UI benefits.
UI Insurance Law and Administrative Rules
Information on relevant laws and rules related to unemployment insurance.
UI Payment Options
How it works: You will receive UI benefits on an IWD debit card or via direct deposit.
UI Terms and Definitions
Common terms and definitions under unemployment insurance.
Claimant Support
Claimants can view the unemployment handbook at any time, or jump to key sections at the following links.
Reemployment Case Management (RCM) Program
RCM provides enhanced services to claimants at the beginning of their claims to help them find employment faster.