Both the employer and the claimant have the right to appeal a fact-finding unemployment insurance (UI) decision and present testimony to a Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing (DIAL) administrative law judge (ALJ). Unlike the fact-finding interview, an appeal hearing is a formal process where all parties are sworn in and the hearing is recorded. The appeal must be postmarked or received within 10 calendar days from the date stated on the decision. If the 10th day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the appeal period is extended to the next working day.
Proceedings before DIAL's UI Appeals Bureau are open to the public, and documents submitted are public records. This means that the public has access to the hearings, decisions, exhibits, transcripts and recordings without prior notice. DIAL's UI Appeals Decisions are posted online and are matters of public record.
Appeal hearings are conducted by telephone conference call unless a written request for an in-person hearing is received. The party requesting the in-person hearing must travel to the IowaWORKS Center closest to the other party. In-person hearings may delay both the scheduled hearing and decision. There are 15 IowaWORKS Centers where in-person hearings are held.
Apply for an appeal online or complete the Unemployment Insurance Appeal Form and mail it, along with any correspondence or exhibits, to:
Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing
Administrative Hearings Division
Unemployment Insurance Appeals Bureau
6200 Park Avenue, Suite 100, East Entrance
Des Moines, IA 50321
Written appeals should include:
- Date of UI decision and reference number on the decision
- Claimant's name, address and Social Security Number
- Employer's name, address and account number
- Statement that the claimant or employer is appealing the decision
- Reason for appealing
- If an interpreter is needed, and if so, the language required
​For assistance with filing an appeal or general appeal questions, contact the UI Appeals Bureau:
Toll-free in Iowa: 800-532-1483
Toll-free outside of Iowa: 800-247-5205
Des Moines local: 515-281-3747
Fax: 515-478-3528
If either the employer or claimant disagree with the ALJ’s decision, it may be appealed to the Employment Appeal Board (EAB). The EAB is located at 6200 Park Avenue, Suite 100, Des Moines, IA 50321.
A second-level appeal can be filed online at or mailed, along with any correspondence or exhibits, to:
Employment Appeal Board
6200 Park Avenue, Suite 100
Des Moines, IA 50321
Please Note: The appeal must be postmarked within 15 calendar days from the mailing date of the ALJ’s decision. All parties will receive a CD of the ALJ’s hearing recording and will be given an opportunity to submit a written summary of their side. The EAB does not hold hearings. The board decides each case by reviewing all the evidence that was presented to the ALJ. The board may:
- affirm or reverse the ALJ’s decision
- send the case back to the ALJ for further review
- order a new hearing and decision if the evidence in the ALJ’s hearing is not sufficient or incomplete
It usually takes 45 to 75 days from the date the appeal is filed to receive the EAB decision. If an employer or claimant disagrees with the EAB decision, they may file a petition for judicial review in Iowa District Court or request a rehearing before the EAB. The procedure and appeal deadlines are provided on the EAB decision.
​For assistance with filing an appeal or general appeal questions, contact the UI Appeals Bureau:
Toll-free in Iowa: 800-532-1483
Toll-free outside of Iowa: 800-247-5205
Des Moines local: 515-281-3747
Fax: 515-478-3528