The following page details the step-by-step instructions for how Iowans will complete their weekly reemployment activities in order to continue receiving benefits. To ensure a smooth process, you must complete and certify your activities before you file your weekly claim.

Before recording your weekly activities:

  • Make sure you’re registered for work in IowaWORKS and have a searchable resume. If you’ve already taken that step, you’ll use your same credentials and login into IowaWORKS.
  • If you haven’t yet registered in IowaWORKS, head back to the reemployment page and follow the steps for registering for work. 

If you have any questions or would like assistance, we are here to help.  Resources and contact information are included at the bottom of the reemployment process page, or you can contact us here.

View this link to view a PDF version of the instructions to log and certify weekly reemployment activities in IowaWORKS.


Access Your Job Contact and Reemployment Activity Log

To maintain your eligibility for UI benefits, each week you must record and certify at least four valid reemployment activities (three of which must be job applications) in the Job Contact and Reemployment Activity Log in IowaWORKS. To access the log: 

  • Log into IowaWORKS using your username and password. 
  • After you log in, you will be in your dashboard. Scroll down to the Unemployment Services section and Select “Job Contact and Reemployment Activity Log” (see photo below).
Photo Showing the Option to Record and Certify Reemployment Activities in IowaWORKS
  • After selecting the Job Contact and Reemployment Activity Log link, you will have the option to: Enter or Review Your Job Contacts or Enter or Review Your Reemployment Activities
  • You must enter any job contacts that you completed outside of IowaWORKS in the Job Contact and Reemployment Activity Log. To add a job contact, select the green “Enter or Review Your Reemployment Activities” button. 
Photo of the Buttons for Entering or Reviewing Your Job Contracts or Reemployment Activities

Enter Your Weekly Job Contacts and Reemployment Activities

Reminder: For each week you are filing for benefits, you must complete at least four reemployment activities in IowaWORKS. At least three of those activities must be job contacts. The steps below detail how to log both job contacts and reemployment activities.

Visit this link now for a full list of Iowa's valid reemployment activities.

Entering Job Applications (Job Contacts)

  • After selecting the Enter or Review Your Reemployment Activities button (see the item above), on the next screen select the "Job Applications" Tab, and then “Enter a Job Contact" (see photo below).
Photo of How to Enter a Job Contact in IowaWORKS
  • You will be asked to provide information about the job contact, including: the employer; the employer’s address of record; the means of contact (email, IowaWORKS website, another website, fax, etc.); the name and title of the person you contacted, as well as an email address or phone number for the person you contacted; the job title for the position you are interested in; occupation; and your level of interest in the position, among other details. Fill in all required fields (indicated with a red asterisk *) and select “Save”.
Photo of How to Enter Employer Information in IowaWORKS for a Job Contact
  • To complete your job contact, ensure that you also enter your application information, including the date of the application (see photo below).
Photo Showing the Date of Application and Related Information for a Job Contact in IowaWORKS
  • If your job contact was saved properly, it will be displayed in the log (see photo below). To add more job contacts, select “Enter a Job Contact” and repeat the process. 
Photo of the Log of Job Activities in IowaWORKS

Entering Reemployment Activities (Other Weekly Activities That Are Not Job Contacts)

In the log, select the “Reemployment Activities” tab, and then select “Enter a Reemployment Activity (see photo below).

Photo of the Reemployment Activities Log in IowaWORKS
  • You will be taken to a screen where you will be able to enter the details of your reemployment activity
  • You will be asked to enter information about the activity, including the type of activity, an activity description, the date the activity was completed, and the name and title of a contact for the event. You may need to upload documentation to substantiate the activity. Enter all required information, select “Choose File” to upload any supporting documentation that proves that you completed the activity, and then select “Save.” 
Photo of How to Enter Your Reemployment Activity in IowaWORKS
  • After you save your valid reemployment activity, it will display in the log (see photo below). To enter another reemployment activity, select “Enter a Reemployment Activity” and repeat the process. 
Photo of the Log of Entered Reemployment Activities in IowaWORKS

Final Step: Certification and Self-Attestation

  • After entering your weekly reemployment activities, you will finish the process in IowaWORKS by certifying them. In your Job Contact and Reemployment Activity Log, visit your dashboard and scroll down to Unemployment Services. Then, select “Certify Your Job Contacts and Reemployment Activities" (see the photo below).
Photo of How to Certify Your Job Contacts and Reemployment Activities
  • Select “File Your Weekly Certification to Continue Your Claim” to certify your reemployment activities from the previous week (see photo below). Any weeks that are available to be certified will be displayed.
Photo of How to Certify Your Reemployment Activities
  • The job contacts you logged will be displayed here. Once all your job contacts have been entered and verified, select “no” under Additional Job Contacts to verify that your log is complete, and then select “Next" at the bottom of the screen to continue (see photo below).
  • If you need to add additional job contacts, select "yes" under Additional Job Contacts to add them before continuing.
Photo of How to Note Job Contact Activities
  • Your remaining reemployment activities will now be displayed.  Once all your reemployment activities have been entered and verified, select “no” under Additional Reemployment Activities to verify that your log is complete, and then select “Next" at the bottom of the screen to continue (see photo below).
  • If you need to add additional reemployment activities, select "yes" under Additional Reemployment Activities to add them before continuing.
Photo of How to View Your Reemployment Activities
  • It is your responsibility to (1) review your job contacts and reemployment activities and (2) check the box below the list to certify and submit your work search and reemployment activities. Select “Next” on the page to complete the process (see photo below).
  • NOTE:
    • All job contacts and reemployment activities that you complete in IowaWORKS for a given claim certification week will automatically display in the log. If a completed job contact or reemployment activity is acceptable, a green check mark (✔) will display in the same row. The log will maintain a permanent record (which you can download) of your job contacts and valid reemployment activities.
    • Job contacts and Reemployment Activities can only be certified for a given week once the week is over (each week of begins on Sunday and runs through Saturday; therefore, the activities that you're recording must be for a prior week).
    • Once you have attested to and certified your job contacts and reemployment activities, you will not be able to make changes or additions to the information submitted.
Photo that Shows How to Certify Your Reemployment Activities
  • After submitting your job contacts, the green progress bar will display a checkmark under Complete if you have completed the process. Select “Take me to My Weekly Certification” to continue on to file your weekly certification. This step will take you to Iowa Workforce Development's website to file your weekly claim (see the photo below). 
  • Completing the weekly reemployment activities is the first step of a weekly claim. After you certify your reemployment activities in IowaWORKS, you must log into the weekly claim filing system on the IWD website and file your weekly claim for benefits.
Photo of What to Expect Next After You Certify Your Reemployment Activities

Reminder: Types of Valid Reemployment Activities

There are 12 valid reemployment activities that can be used to satisfy the weekly active search for work requirement. Eight (8) activities are self-guided and can be completed by claimants on their own and four (4) can only be completed with staff assistance. Several activities can be completed through the IowaWORKS website or through IowaWORKS Centers, while other activities can be completed outside of IowaWORKS.

Visit the link below for a full list of accepted activities, including both self-guided activities and staff-assisted activities.