The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services division of Iowa Workforce Development is an employment program for individuals who experience a disability. As Iowa’s VR program, we focus on service delivery that helps Iowans prepare for, obtain, keep, and advance in employment. 

VR is an individualized program. It delivers employment services based on your unique individualized employment plan. Our goal is two-fold: 

  1. Helping job candidates find employment that meets their needs and interests
  2. Meeting the workforce needs of our business partners.

We approach what we do in collaboration. We team up with:

  • Job candidates
  • Business partners
  • Community providers
  • One-Stop Core Partners

Vocational Rehabilitation Services also has an increasing presence in Iowa high schools. By providing transition services for students with disabilities, we are preparing a new Future Ready Iowa Workforce.

  • Vocational Rehabilitation Services is Iowa’s state vocational rehabilitation program.
  • It is a division of Iowa Workforce Development (IWD), and part of the state-federal vocational rehabilitation system. 

Read the VR General Agency Brochure

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Guiding Statements

Our Mission: We provide expert, individualized services to Iowans with disabilities to achieve their independence through successful employment and economic support. 

Our Vision: To Make a Positive Difference for Every Person, One Person at a Time.

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VR Funding

Each state receives funding to operate a VR program(s) based on the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).


$31,810,986 was the total amount of grant funds awarded to VR for Federal Fiscal Year 2025.


of Iowa's VR program is funding from the U.S. Department of Education.


is the percentage of its budget that VR receives through state appropriations and other non-federal allowable sources.


of Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) budget comes from the US Department of Education.


$4,771,647.90 was the total amount of grant funds required to be reserved for Pre-ETS for Federal Fiscal Year 2025.

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Policies, Forms, and Other Key Information

Read the summary of other critical information about VR Services, including program policies, forms, how to join our team, and much more.

This is a photo of the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Logo



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