Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE)
The mission of Iowa APSE is "to change beliefs, practices, systems and funding and so that employment in the general workforce is the first and preferred outcome in the provision of publicly funded services for all working age Iowans with disabilities, regardless of level of disability."

Iowa Association of Community Providers (IACP)
IACP advocates that "one day, all Iowans will live, learn, and work in their community of choice."

Iowa Blueprint for Change (DIF Grant)
The overall goal of Iowa Blueprint for Change (IBC) is to advance and improve systems. This is so that Iowans with disabilities have competitive integrated employment (CIE) opportunities. The opportunities can then lead to economic security.

Iowa Coalition for Integration & Employment (ICIE)
The Iowa Coalition for Integration & Employment, established in 2011, is a group of diverse stakeholders from across Iowa working to improve systems so that Iowans with disabilities, including those with intellectual disabilities, have competitive integrated employment (CIE) regardless of where they live in the state. The Coalition meets quarterly and regularly shares information with members. The Coalition also has a Core Team (leadership team) that meets monthly. Please email iowaemployment@gmail.com if you would like additional information or want to be added to ICIE's mailing list.

Vision: Building an excellent education system that empowers all students to achieve their full potential.
Mission: Ensuring all students experience a world-class education.

Iowa Developmental Disability Council
Iowans with Disabilities in Action is a statewide, nonpartisan collaboration committed to disability advocacy that promotes positive change for Iowans with disabilities. They are affiliated with the Iowa Developmental Disabilities Council, a federally funded council created to ensure those with developmental disabilities have a voice in the decision-making processes that affect them.

Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Mission: Iowa HHS provides high quality programs and services that protect and improve the health and resiliency of individuals, families and communities.
Societal Vision: Individuals, families, and communities are safe, resilient and empowered to be healthy and self-sufficient.
About the agency: The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) provides high quality assistance and outreach programs that work to protect and improve the health and self-sufficiency for individuals, families and communities in Iowa.

Iowa’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
Iowa’s UCEDD works to improve the quality of life for Iowans with disabilities and their family members. We achieve this through:
- University training for future professionals
- Community training
- Clinical services and direct community supports
- Technical assistance to state and local agencies/organizations to improve services and build community capacity
- Research and policy analyses to identify emerging best practice and model services
- Statewide information and referral services for assistive technology and disability services

Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)
At the federal level, the Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy provides support for the national movement called Employment First, which is centered on the belief that "all citizens, including those with significant disabilities, are capable of full participation in integrated employment and community life." Iowa/IVRS is a beneficiary of the ODEP Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program (EFSLMP). This program provides technical resources to multi-disciplinary state teams to assist with implementing the Employment First initiative. "ODEP has made a priority to invest in systems change efforts that will result in increased community-based, integrated employment opportunities for all people with significant disabilities."