List items for VR Frequently Asked Questions
You can receive services if your goal is to become employed. You must have a disability which limits your ability to obtain employment and need VR services to prepare for, get, or keep a job.
You may call an office close to you to request services. You may also complete a VR application and mail, email, or bring it to your local office.
You will meet with a counselor, who is a trained professional in vocational rehabilitation to gather information to determine your eligibility for VR services. Your counselor will let you know within 60 days of your application.
If more time is needed, you and your counselor must both agree in writing to extend the time to determine your eligibility.
VR currently has more requests for assistance than we have resources to serve. Your name may be placed on a waiting list.
When we are unable to serve everyone that applies for services, applicants are placed on one of three waiting lists.
The waiting list has three categories:
- Most Significantly Disabled: This list is for individuals who have three or more impediments to employment. This person's vocational rehabilitation (VR) will need many services over an extended period of more than six months.
- Significantly Disabled: This list is for individuals who have two or fewer impediments to employment; and whose VR is expected to need many services over an extended period of more than six months.
- Other Eligible: This list is for individuals who do not need many services over an extended period. Their impediment to employment is not considered to be a significant limitation. A person may be “other eligible” if they only require one service for employment.
Those on the waiting list are served according to the severity of disability.
Federal law requires that we must first serve all Most Significantly Disabled before serving those applicants determined to be Significantly Disabled.
Only after both categories are served may those who are considered Other’s Eligible receive services.
Individuals with disabilities who do not meet the category currently being served can receive information and referral services.
Those on the waiting list can be referred to other federal and state programs. This includes programs carried out by other entities in the statewide workforce system.
A VR counselor must determine your eligibility.
In this process, the rehabilitation counselor learns about your disability and gains understanding of the impact the disabling conditions have on your employment.
If you can provide additional information to show you are more limited than currently documented, your counselor can reconsider your eligibility determination.
If you disagree with your eligibility determination, you have the right to appeal that decision.
You can contact your counselor or the office supervisor.
You may also contact the Client Assistance Program (CAP) by phone at 1-800-652-4298 or email
You will remain eligible for services as long as your file is active.
You will be notified when you become eligible for services.
We will contact you once a year to determine your interest in remaining on the waiting list.
Please keep your counselor informed of your current contact information.
Report changes to your address, phone number or email address.
There is no charge for many of our services such as counseling and job placement.
For some services that are purchased, you may be asked for additional information to see if you can afford to pay a part of the cost.
A sliding fee schedule based on your family income is used. If you are on SSI or SSDI, your contribution is $0.
Yes! You and your counselor are partners in this process.
Together, we will use the information gathered to help you make informed choices about your employment goal, the services you receive and who will provide those services. Your employment plan needs to work for YOU.
You may appeal any VR decision with which you don't agree. It needs to be filed within 90 days of the decision. You can find more information on How Do I Request an Appeal?
You may also find that disagreements can be quickly resolved by contacting your counselor's supervisor to discuss your concern.
If your case is currently open with VR, simply contact your local office for the information.
If your case is closed, contact the VR Administrative offices in Des Moines at (515) 281-4211 or toll free at 1-800-532-1486.
Additional information can be found on How Do I Request My Case File?
The Ticket to Work program is a federal program for Social Security disability beneficiaries age 18 through 64 who receive SSDI or SSI benefits based on a disability and would like to work. It is designed to provide help and support for those beneficiaries who desire to regain financial independence through employment.
Please visit the Ticket to Work page to find out more.
Simply follow the same process as everyone else on how to apply.
Keep in mind that services cannot begin until your discharge. Services are provided in the state in which you will reside upon your release.