If an unemployment insurance (UI) claim is determined monetarily eligible (the claimant earned enough wages during the previous year to qualify for unemployment benefits), a Notice of Claim (Form 65-5317) is sent to the claimant’s most recent employer and to all employers in the claimant's base period.
The employer may protest payment of benefits. They do this by stating the reason on the notice and returning it to Iowa Workforce Development (IWD). The response must be postmarked or received within 10 days from the date it was sent to the employer.
If a claim is protested, IWD may arrange a fact-finding interview. This interview is to determine the claimant's eligibility for UI benefits.
The fact-finding interview will be conducted by telephone. A notice for the fact-finding interview is sent to the employer and the claimant. The notice will include the scheduled date, time, and the telephone numbers the fact-finder will call.
Claimants are urged to take part in the fact-finding interview. Failure to take part or provide all relevant information could result in a disqualification of benefits. The IWD fact-finding telephone and fax numbers will be listed on the notice of interview.
It is important to include identifying information on all correspondence, such as:
- Employer name,
- Claimant name,
- Claimant Social Security Number, and
- Date and time of the scheduled interview
If the employer or claimant cannot take part in the interview or provide an explanation of the issue, a decision must be made on the available facts.
During the fact-finding interview, an IWD representative will ask the employer and claimant questions and allow both parties to explain his or her position on the issue. Both parties will be allowed to present witnesses and evidence during the interview.
A decision on the claimant's eligibility to receive benefits will be issued by IWD within a few days of the fact-finding interview. The decision will be sent to both the employer and the claimant.
Appealing a Decision
If either party disagrees with the decision, he or she may file an appeal. Instructions for doing so will be included on the reverse side of the decision.
The appeal must be postmarked or received within 10 calendar days of the mailing date of the initial decision.
To appeal a UI decision, or for more information on the appeal process, visit UI appeals.
1000 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319