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The Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Internship program provides grants to Iowa companies for internship programs with a goal of transitioning interns to full-time employment in Iowa upon graduation. The goal is to retain educated workers in Iowa.

  • Maximum award to an employer in any one fiscal year shall not exceed $50,000.
  • Funds disbursed on a reimbursement basis with a portion of wages actually paid to a student.
  • Reimbursement calculated to result in an equal share of the cost being borne by the employer and Iowa Workforce Development (IWD).
  • For every two dollars of wages earned by the student, one dollar paid by the employer is matched by one dollar from the Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) and up to $5,000 per intern.
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  • Employer that has or will apply during the same state fiscal year as the Iowa Student Internship Program (targeted industries) under 261 IAC chapter 104 is ineligible.
  • Employers eligible:
    • Must be an Iowa-based business with significant employment presence in Iowa.
    • Must pay intern at least twice the minimum hourly wage (minimum $14.50/hour).
    • Must offer internship(s) to students of Iowa community colleges, private colleges, regents universities or to students who graduated from an Iowa high school and attend a college or university outside of Iowa.
    • Must employ student(s) who are within 1 to 2 years of graduation (undergraduate or graduate student).
    • Must offer either summer or semester internships.
      • Summer internship must last a minimum of eight weeks (averaging no less than 30 hours per week).
      • Summer 2023 internships must be completed by September 2023.
      • Semester internship must last a minimum of 14 weeks (averaging no less than 10 hours per week).


  • Must be within 1 to 2 years of graduation (undergraduate or graduate student)) ***Students that have recently graduated, and are no longer current students, are INELIGIBLE for this program***
  • Must be employed at an Iowa location.
  • Must be a student at one of the Iowa community colleges, private colleges, Regent universities or a student who graduated from high school in Iowa but attends an institution of higher learning outside of Iowa.
  • Must have a declared a major in a STEM field.
    • STEM field includes all majors listed on the ACT-defined STEM majors and occupations by area list.
  • Must participate in a substantive experience in an area closely related to the student’s STEM field.
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