Registered Apprenticeships can be your first step toward a rewarding future. No matter your interests, you can find a Registered Apprenticeship program in Iowa that will provide what you need to prepare you for a promising new career!  

When you become an apprentice, you’ll start working – and earning – from day one, with little to no college/educational debt, and you'll receive a nationally-recognized credential that can jumpstart your career path.

Who Can Become an Apprentice in Iowa?

  • Both adults and students can become an apprentice in Iowa. 
  • Any Iowan interested in a new career path or learning new skills can get involved. 
  • Hundreds of meaningful programs exist in more occupations than ever before.

Becoming an Apprentice in Iowa


Average Starting Salary for an Apprentice After Completing their Program


Percentage of Apprentices Who Remain Employed After Completing a Program


Total Apprentices in Iowa (FY 2023)

Why Become a Registered Apprentice?

There are many reasons to become a Registered Apprentice! Let's start with a few of the top reasons why this pathway can jumpstart your career.

List items for Why Become an Apprentice

Next Steps: Get Started on Becoming an Apprentice

Your new career journey begins here. Get started by contacting IWD, finding a program sponsor, and/or by learning about the occupations that now offer apprenticeship programs.