Iowa's Summer Youth Internship Grant program supports the creation of internship programs for Iowa’s youth that help prepare them for high-demand careers in the workforce.
Iowa Summer Youth Internship Program
Awards grant funding to help develop internship programs for high school students and youth (between the ages of 14 and 24) that allow them to explore and prepare for high-demand careers, gain work experience, and develop personal attributes that help them succeed in the workplace.
Available Funding
Grant awards may vary in amounts as determined by the scope of the project. The maximum funding for one award will be $60,000.
Eligible Organizations
Nonprofits, educational institutions, employers, and community organizations.
Application Period
Applicants can apply through starting February 12, 2025. The deadline for applications is Monday, March 10, 2025, at 2:00 P.M. Central Standard Time.
Application Status (Open)
Applications for 2025 Summer Youth Internship Program Grants are now being accepted on The deadline for applications is Monday, March 10, 2025, at 2:00 P.M. Central Standard Time.
Each year, the Summer Youth Internship Program provides Iowans with the chance to gain valuable summer work experience in one of the state’s high-demand fields, driving new interest in careers and laying the groundwork for the future workforce pipeline.
Awarded funds: Grant awards may vary in amounts as determined by the scope of the project. The maximum funding for one award will be $60,000.
Eligible Expenses for Grant Funds:
Participant wages (gross wages) for those that complete a minimum of 6 weeks of the program, working at least 10 hours per week
Participants to be paid a minimum of $12/hour
Participants to fill out W-4 forms (no W-9s, stipends or independent contractors)
Participant compensation as a result of completing the program (paid as reportable gross wages)
Training resources (i.e., curriculum, internet access, software)
Program supplies and materials (i.e., uniforms, computers, books, tools, consumable items), less than $5,000 per category
Program coordination (gross wages)
Administrative costs (limited to 10% of total award)
Eligible applicants for the opportunity include nonprofits, educational institutions, employers, and community organizations.
Priority funding will be given to programs that:
Provide internships to youth that are at risk of not graduating, from low-income households, or who face barriers to upward mobility in the labor market (such as being from communities underrepresented in the workforce).
Provide evidence of the ability to recruit and co-enroll internship participants in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Youth Program in their local area.
The following documents are included for the Summer Youth Internship Programfunding opportunity. If you have any questions, contact Melanie Johnson, Grants Program Coordinator.