Registered Apprenticeship Funding Opportunities
Iowa offers both annual funding opportunities and industry-specific grants to help Registered Apprenticeship Programs remain successful in Iowa.
RA Grants in High Demand Occupations
Teacher & Paraeducator Apprenticeship Program
A new RA program that helps high school students & adult paraeducators earn a credential while working in the classroom.
Health Careers Apprenticeship Program
A unique approach to creating apprenticeships that helps to meet the many needs of the health care sector.
Featured Video: Teacher and Paraeducator RA Program
See firsthand just how Iowa is leading the way on strengthening the education workforce through the use of Registered Apprenticeships.
Iowa Grants
Iowa Grants is home to all of the state's grant opportunities, including for Registered Apprenticeship. Visit iowagrants.gov to view all active grants.
Federal Programs that Support RA Programs
Additional funding to support Registered Apprenticeship programs is available through federal programs at the U.S. Department of Labor. Visit this link to learn more.

Connect with the State Apprenticeship Team
Not sure where to begin, or interested in ways to support your program? Iowa's apprenticeship team is here to help.
Email: RegisteredApprenticeship@iwd.iowa.gov
Phone: 515-725-3675