JD Bumgarner was recognized with a Personal Achievement Award at the 2022 APSE Conference in October.

JD’s Creations is a business that grew with help from the Iowa Self-Employment Program.

JD said, “I started to weld as part of the 4-H Bucket of Junk Challenge a few years ago. My parents were in awe of what I created out of a bucket of junk.

My parents bought me a welder and welding equipment for Christmas 2019, which I started to use right away. Once Covid 19 hit and schools were canceled, I started welding even more. I took one of my first pieces, the “Iron Indian”, to the high school art show at Arts on Grand and it won the “Curator’s Choice Award” and was the first piece of art that I sold. I am blessed to have supportive parents who encourage and help me use my creativity.”

From there JD went on to create a business selling his creations online.

Learn More About JD's Creations