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Employers' Council of Iowa
American Job Centers


Employers' Council of Iowa (ECI) is an advisory group that offers no-cost membership open to all businesses in the community. Its purpose is to guide Iowa Workforce Development (IWD)’s business focus. ECI addresses topics of concern to employers by sponsoring training initiatives. ECI assists IWD in meeting critical human resource needs.


The mission of the Employers' Council of Iowa is to support the efforts of local employer committees to:

  • Advise IWD, legislators, and other officials concerning its products, services, and policies that affect employers; and
  • Provide opportunities for employers to exchange information and develop education programs for employers.


The ECI State Board's role includes the following:

  • Represent local ECI members within their respective local areas at state meetings
  • Serve as resource contact in the area for ECI education and promotion
  • Support IWD and IowaWORKS Centers with communication to improve services and exchange information
  • Communicate with local ECI Chairs to keep them informed about state and national issues relating to employers and IWD
  • Gather and disseminate information about the activities of local councils


Visit the following links for ECI resources, board information, and recent meeting minutes.