Are you Eligible?
To be eligible for SNAP E&T services, a person must meet the following criteria:
- An Iowa SNAP recipient or applicant with pending eligibility determination
- Not receiving Family Investment Program (FIP) assistance or other cash assistance under Title IV, such as Tribal Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF)
- Age 18 or older (may be 16-17 if already have a high school diploma or working toward a high school diploma or equivalent)
- Express interest to get a job, get a better job, or help to search and apply for employment
- Be physically and mentally able to work or will be able to work within the next one (1) year
- Expressed interest in being referred to SNAP E&T
What Services are you Interested in?
The E&T program aims to provide SNAP participants with free training. This will help them become self-sufficient and stable. Participants may enroll in:
- Education services, including:
- High school equivalency
- Short-term certificate or diploma programs
- Two-year credit degree programs for in-demand industries
- Industry-specific training programs
- Job search activities
- Job retention services
- Upon completion of education, training, or job search
- Up to 90 days from employment start date
Help Available to you
Personal Support: A designated E&T Case Manager works with each participant to:
- Assess education, work history, skills, obstacles, support systems, and attitude.
- Identify necessary services and supports.
- Communicate on a regular basis by monitoring needs and progress, providing assistance, coaching, and making referrals.
Possible Financial supports:
- Tuition assistance (including books, fees, and other necessary training materials)
- Transportation assistance
- Clothing, uniforms, equipment, tools and materials necessary for training, education, job search and employment
- Reasonable accommodation supplies
- Dependent Care Assistance
- Medical Supports – (including minor dental work)
- Emergency housing/utility assistance
Get Started in SNAP E&T Today
If you receive or have applied for SNAP, visit this link to find a SNAP E&T provider near you. Once you have chosen a provider, contact them to let them know you would like to enroll in SNAP E&T.
For help, please email
To apply for SNAP benefits, please visit the link below.
See also: USDA Nondiscrimination Statement | Food and Nutrition Service