


Community-based organizations, workforce development providers, and community colleges work with SNAP E&T to offer services and support to participants. Eligible costs are reimbursed at 50 percent through the state's SNAP E&T Program. Here are some factors to consider if you want to become a provider:

  • The Right Participants: Individuals in an education, training, or job search program AND receiving SNAP in Iowa.
  • The Right Services: Provider of education, training, job search, or job retention activities that lead to self-sufficiency.
  • The Right Funding Source(s): Non-Federal funding source(s) that is not used as a match in another federally funded program.
  • The Right Capacity: The administrative requirements of the E&T program are specific and can be rigorous. Appropriate staffing and financial capacity to assess and enroll participants, provide appropriate services and supports, track and record participant progress and outcomes, collect and report required data, track and appropriately bill program costs associated with a federally funded program are essential.

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See Also: