When an individual starts or stops working or there is a change in earnings, it is important to report this information right away.
If an individual receives both SSI and SSDI, they must report wages to representatives of both programs.
To prevent overpayments from Social Security, gross wages should be reported within six days of the end of the month. Wages can be reported by:
Mail to your local field office
Telephone: 800-772-1213 (voice) or 1-800-325-0778 (TTY)
Fax to your local field office
Mobile app (*requires calling SSA to set up)-SSI Only
My Social Security online wage reporting tool (*requires an account and only available to individuals receiving SSDI. Can be accessed at https://www.ssa.gov/myaccount/
Going to the local field office in person. Field offices can be located at https://secure.ssa.gov/ICON/main.jsp. This is the SSA site where you can enter the zip code and find the SSA office that serves your job candidate.
The information provided to Social Security must include:
The Social Security number of the wage earner
The individualβs name as it appears on the Social Security card
The TOTAL monthly amount of gross wages for the wage earner (the amount of pay before taxes and other deductions)
Helpful Tips:
Make an extra copy of the information submitted to SSA for the individual to retain in his/her records
When reporting wages by mail, send the information via Certified Mail
When reporting via fax; request documentation be sent regarding the wages being received. Also keep the fax transmittal sheet.
Individuals can sign up to receive a monthly e-mail or text message wage reporting reminder by going to https://www.ssa.gov/ssiwagereporting/
Ticket to Work Representatives may also provide monthly reminders to job seekers as a way to support them and remind them to report earned income.