Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services works with students with disabilities by providing Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) and individualized VR services. This is so they can build the skills needed to be successful in their future career.

VR works closely with students and their transition team to assist in determining career goals and developing a plan of action to set the student's future in motion.

Who can participate in Pre-ETS?

Students with a disability between the ages of 14 and 21 are able to participate in Pre-ETS.

How can my student access Pre-ETS?

If you are a parent or educator interested in having your student participate in Pre-ETS, please talk with VR staff assigned to your school. They can help you get started.

A completed Pre-ETS Agreement needs to be provided to VR before the student participates in activities. Please read the Pre-ETS Agreement Explanation for more information.

What if my student needs more intensive services in addition to Pre-ETS?

If more intensive services are needed due to a disability, students are encouraged to apply for VR. Eligibility for VR is based on a student's barriers in preparing for, getting, or keeping a job.

Parents and educators interested in having their student apply for services can contact VR to begin the process.

How can my high school communicate with VR about supports and, or services needed?

A consent form can be completed for sharing of information between a school district, Area Education Agency (AEA), and VR.