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Requirements for Job Development and Job Coaching
VR requires credentials and training to utilize services from an individual asking to provide Job Development or Job Coaching services. Individuals who deliver either of these services need a Certificate of Completion from an Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE) accredited Employment Specialist Training Program in:
- Job Development Training
- Job Coach Training
Training for either service can be provided through one of the following options:
- IA-APSE (Association of Persons Supporting Employment First); or ​DirectCourse through training at the University of Iowa; or to have credentials as a licensed educator with the State of Iowa; or worked as a Vocational Rehabilitation counselor; or is credentialed by the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) AND has at least 6 months of practical experience.
- Job developers and job coaches must complete the Employment Specialist training if they do not have the degree in rehabilitation or education. Job coaches have up to 24 months from the date of hire to complete ACRE-approved training requirements for Job Development and/ or Job Coaching services.
- Job developers and job coaches have up to 6 months from the date of hire to review and complete
- the Menu of Services Training Modules and Quiz
- the Menu of Services Manual and sign the Acknowledgement of Understanding page
- The individual who provides job development or job coaching services should be able to adequately convey information about how the job is to be done - and be acceptable to both the job candidate and the employer.
- The individual who provides job development and/ or job coaching services must complete at least 4 Continuing Education Credits (CEU) a year in the respective field to continue providing services.
Responsibilities for Job Development
- Identify available job openings consistent with the job candidate’s disability, interests, preferences, aptitudes, and individual plan for employment.
- Maintain a job search log of employers contacted with job candidate.
- Contact employers to develop a job specific to the job candidate’s IPE.
- Market the job candidate to the employer.
- Accompany the job candidate to interviews (if necessary).
- Assist the job candidate in completing and submitting job applications.
- Advise the job candidate on interviewing, resume revisions, and follow up.
- Recommend work station modifications (if necessary).
- Develop a job for the job candidate with a business or industry that pays commensurate wage at or above minimum wage and offers benefits (whenever possible).
- Complete a job analysis for the specific job that has been developed.
- Negotiate with the employer the essential functions of the job that will serve the business by focusing upon the talents of the job candidate.
- Work with VR to ensure training needs are identified and addressed with the employer, job coach and job candidate. Determine job specific skill requirements, soft skill requirements, teaching strategies, timeframes, and responsibilities.
- Identify and arrange reasonable accommodations with the employer.
- Develop a plan for natural supports for any job candidate in Supported Employment.
- Provide disability awareness and training to the employer when necessary.
- Provide technical assistance to the employer regarding the training progress as identified by job candidate’s team.
- Provide Forms of Job Development to VR itemizing the time period billed, hours worked, payment amount, and documentation in achievement of performance measures. The forms include:
- Section IV of the Job Analysis (SEPA)
- Job Development Log
- Job Development Monthly Report
- Natural Supports
- Job Analysis
Responsibilities for Job Coaching
- ​​Connect with employer to understand the training needs of the new hire and ensure employer satisfaction.
- Analyze worksite and workstation to arrange appropriate accommodations for the new hire on the job.
- Develop job coach plan consistent with individual training needs for VR approval.
- Train new hire in areas needing additional skills such as social or advocacy.
- Provide on-the-job training to new hire until job skills are learned and work performance, habits and behaviors are appropriate.
- Work with employer and co-workers to ensure understanding of disability-related issues or training (if needed) for new hire become an integral part of the business.
- Document discussion with employer once a decision is made that new hire’s job is stable and suitable.
- Document time spent with employer and new hire, and provide report that outlines number of hours devoted to job coaching and training.
- Work with VR and the long term support service provider to ensure that long term support services are in place if needed.
- Provide notice of job stabilization to VR for payment indicating plan for continued job coaching.
- Submit documentation of employer satisfaction with written report when stabilization occurs.
- Provide a written report to VR itemizing the time period billed, hours worked, payment amount and documentation in achievement of performance measures.
Steps to Approval for Independent Providers
The local office must connect with the Resource Manager (RM) (currently Vienna Hoang) to review the steps below and provide the name of the proposed independent provider.
- Staff should discuss above responsibilities and the ​QUALIFICATIONS and REQUIREMENTS with a potential provider. Once staff are satisfied an individual can meet the needs for job developing and/ or job coaching services, notify the RM and the RM will request the potential provider complete a W-9 form. The individual must also complete the Criminal Background and a Child and Dependent Adult Abuse checks. The completed W-9 form, Criminal Background and Child and Dependent Abuse check forms should be emailed to Vienna Hoang who will complete the process and let the local office know the results.
- All independent providers are required to view all of the modules on the Menu of Services Training Modules, pass the CRP MOS quiz and, after reading through the CRP Menu of Services Manual, sign and return the Acknowledgement of Understanding page to Mary Ingersoll.
- An individual who wants to provide job development and/ or job coaching services independent of a CRP is required to have professional liability insurance coverage. VR does not promote the coverage of a professional liability insurance provider over another. Independent providers should do comparison shopping to get the coverage that is needed. A copy of the individual's professional liability insurance and the Certification of Completion from an Employment Specialist Training Program or credentials as a license educator with the State of Iowa should be sent to Mary Ingersoll. The following are some places to get quotes so that individuals may have an idea for the cost of professional liability insurance:
- Independent provider's personal business, home, and/ or auto provider
- Hiscox
- Healthcare Provider Service Organization
- American Professional Agency
- Upon receipt of paperwork listed in 1 - 3, VR RM and financial staff work together to approve individuals as job developers and/ or job coaches. The individual should include their proposed service(s) from the Menu of Services, the county area(s) of service, as well as the rate of pay negotiated in advance with the local VR office. VR can negotiate rates for job coaching services and pay UP TO $48.76 an hour to an independent job coach and UP TO $71.40 an hour to an independent job developer. If a para-educator is approved as an VR provider after completing 1-3 above, VR is required to be consistent with rates paid by the school district in order to be in a noncompete position with the school. However VR counselors or supervisory staff can discuss rates, and are allowed room to negotiate paying a job coach UP TO $48.76 per hour and a job developer UP TO $71.40 per hour.
- An independent provider may choose to be paid via electronic funds transfer (EFT). Please complete the Direct Deposit Authorization form, follow directions on the form and mail it to:
Department Admin Services-State Accounting Enterprise Attention: EFT Administrator
Hoover State Office Building, 3rd FL
Des Moines, IA 50319