The purpose of Occupational Skills Training (OST) is to assist a job candidate in developing specific work skills. Training may occur in partnership with a business or industry, or CRP providing the training. OST is designed to enhance the candidates’ ability to do a potential job identified in the community and also provide strategies on job retention skills.
Forms Needed
The CRP Project SEARCH® program is to assist adult job candidates in obtaining competitive, integrated employment by developing specific work skills using the evidence based curriculum designed by CRP Project SEARCH©. Training occurs in partnership with IVRS funding for job development and job coaching; other funding entities whenever appropriate; a business providing the worksite and job training; and a CRP providing the job development and employment support services in both classroom and competitive, integrated employment settings. CRP Project SEARCH® is designed to enhance the candidates’ ability to do a potential job identified at the internship sites or in the community and also provide strategies on job retention skills. CRP Project SEARCH® participants are not eligible for Pre-ETS.
View CRP Project SEARCH Responsibilities