Work-based learning (WBL) programs are growing, and Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) is showcasing the many ways that they can help build the workforce pipeline across Iowa.

IWD is launching a new website that for the first time includes all agency-related resources related to work-based learning. The website will be a critical entry point for employers looking to start or expand work-based learning programs as well as for schools seeking business partners and students and adults wanting to learn more about WBL options.

The new resource page can be found at

Available resources include an extensive list of examples of WBL programs, WBL funding opportunities, and ways to connect to or start a new WBL program. WBL success stories are also included and will continue to be highlighted on a regular basis, with the hope that more employers and Iowans will take advantage of these proven ways to grow Iowa’s workforce.

The new WBL resource page follows IWD’s announcement of a new WBL webinar series that will guide a statewide discussion on how to build new WBL programs across industries. For more details on the new series that begins on Oct. 1, visit