The Iowa State Fair is almost here! From August 8 – 18, 2024, Iowa Workforce Development will have its agency booth in the Varied Industries building where you can connect with staff and share your dream job. Along with that, the IowaWORKS Mobile Workforce Center will also be at the fair to showcase the many career options that Iowans have with the help of IowaWORKS. Each day, the Mobile Workforce Center will feature a new theme focused on different areas of the workforce and the appropriate staff to help.

Check out the resources below to find out more and which day interests you. We hope to see there!  

Main Information Page: IWD at the State Fair

Information on the Mobile Workforce Center and Themed Days the the Fair

A map showing the locations of Iowa Workforce Development's Booth in the Varied Industries Building, and the Mobile Workforce Center

Map of Iowa Workforce Development Locations at the Iowa State Fair (PDF)